
This is all about helping you understand and influence the motivations, behaviours and yes, attitudes, of the people around you.

We will appraise and discover facets and drivers in people in a way that challenges conventional routes. We will teach you to sense the sweet spot of true customer experiences.

We will open up the black box of boardroom behaviour and decision making to enable you to have the wisest board meetings you will ever have.

We will lend the deepest business informed psychological thinking to the stuff and nonsense of human nature.


Many situations defy description. We all know, however, when we have one. Time and time again we discover things on the very first day of our engagement that leadership hadn’t yet seen. After all, they call us Openeye for a reason.

Tangibly, this is turnarounds, underperforming units, missed opportunities and crises of all sorts. All those internal task forces you set up and urge to set sail, yet so often barely leave the shore. This is about uncertainty and the future, about identifying what you want in the first place, about efficiencies, costs and all those tricky negotiations. This is about smart strategies and effective operations.

This will be intensely focused advisory that steers projects, removes the paralysis and will lend energy to both your thinking and action. Change is always part of it, as much as breathing is.

We immerse ourselves and investigate where bigger consultancies cannot; our intellectual agility is second to none. Less a bull, more a cat in a china shop.


This is all about ‘stuff’: from things you can hold to things you can live in. Openeye will translate the language of the design team into that of the boardroom, and back again. We build the bridge between beauty and function, client and designer, customer and concept.

Openeye will lend its polymathic thinking and objective eye to the design and development of objects and to the conflicts that can stall and derail.

We will take you from talking about it to making it, from sketching it to building it, from procuring it to selling it. Through the questions we ask, the insight we provide and conundrums we solve, we help you create better.
