Deborah Samuel is a consultant adviser to the world of business and institutions. She specialises in complex, high profile and diplomatically sensitive situations for CEOs and boards. Deborah has lent a powerful, penetrative thinking across a broad spectrum of scenarios, which has taken her on a journey from the UK’s first internet bank to Europe’s tallest tower. Essentially, Openeye is our brainpower at your disposal.

Deborah started with DEC, one of the godfathers of modern business and technology. Then first as a software engineer – through genetic algorithms, derivative trading strategies and object-oriented databases –  Deborah became one of Britain’s first futurists, appraising the commercial viability of technologies and the people behind them for investment bank Credit Suisse First Boston.

She preferred to avoid some of the more conventional approaches of management consultancies and established a practice that would align her natural strengths with her core values of integrity and openness. She recognises the interplay between strategy, operations, advanced negotiation practice and psychology and believes no issue can truly be examined without understanding all four. Deborah founded Openeye in 2001 to bring them together within one practice, with the CEO/COO of Arcadia as her first clients, before other CEOs began asking for her help. She leads every project.

Deborah has studied at the universities and business schools of London and Cranfield, with several degrees in software engineering, psychology and an MBA. She trained at, and is accredited with, the Psychometrics Centre of the University of Cambridge. She is a graduate of the renowned coaching programme of Meyler Campbell and coaches through her practice Deborah received her training in leadership and negotiation at Harvard Law School.